Monday, February 13, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Multimedia Journalism and Media Convergence
The name sounded familiar, but I could not for the life of me recall who he was; so I clicked the link to read her story. Brittany and writer Matt Grippi interviewed Max about his most recent book, "Hilarity Ensues."
After reading the nut-graph, I realized he is the writer of "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell."
Once I was done, I returned to Brittany's Facebook page and told her what a great job her and Matt did on the story. I also read that Matt suggested adding a comment section on the Daily 49er site, which I also thought was a great idea seeing that this is a controversial author.
Brittany responded via Facebook saying an editor added the comment section. In addition, I posted the link to my personal blog since I thought my friends would find it interesting.
Even though this article was published today in a local school paper, social media has allowed it to transend through the internet allowing for more than just Cal State Long Beach students to read it. Readers can now even voice their opinion online in a comment section where other readers can interact with each other.
Multimedia Convergence
This Apart from War website is a perfect example of multimedia. This site was actually won the Society and Professional Journalist Award for Best Online In-Depth Reporting. The student news team from Syracuse University that created this site focused on U.S. veterans living in a small town, Chesaw, Washington, and uses print stories video packages, photo slides, and even has an interactive video about Post Dramatic Stress Disorder.
Lenai Tells the Differnce Between Media Convergence and Multimedia Journalism
According to our textbook Convergent Journalism, media convergence is when members in a newsroom work together to produce multiple products for multiple platforms to reach a mass audience with interactive content, often on a 24/7 scale. The Daily 49er is a perfect example of media convergence and it is one we all know and use. Not only does the daily 49er have a successful newspaper, but it also have its own website, blog, twitter and facebook account. This makes it more accessible for not only students, faculty and staff to see their stories but expands to a much larger audience as well. The biggest benefit of this form of convergence it that now more people are able to interact and give its feedback to the newspaper, which will only make the original paper and all of its many platforms better. As the Daily 49er continues to grow so will its audience. Media convergence is the new way of the future and the new platforms that are being constructed are limitless.
Media Convergence and Multimedia Journalism
The text book says textbook states, mass convergence and coverage across many different platforms allows the media to accommodate to audiences who are looking for news on a new social and technological level. The news of Super Model Gisele Bundchen, the wife of NFL Patriot's player Tom Brady is a great example of multimedia journalism. The fact that Gisele was bad talkthing her husband's team for "playing badly" is a big story in the world of sports and entertainment news do to the fact that they are very popular individuals . This story was covered across multiple different platforms television, newspaper, blogs,radio, social media websites from sports like espn and entertainment news like TMZ. In this particular article The Seattle Times joined themselves to another news source in order to report ont he story, they references from the website TheInsider.com.The article includes a comment area for the readers and allows them also to share the article though social media outlets, and the picture is acredited to a photographer from another company aswell ( Getty Images). Immediacy for news coverage allows multiple channels of news to collaborate with each other in order to report on stories.
This article from the New York Times covering an aspect of the Palestinian Conflict includes as story as it was written for print, pictures, video as well as an opportunity for users to leave feedback. This shows how convergence can help create a story. The picture and worked most likely appeared in print, but with the Internet they were able to bring in the video as well as ask for feedback by the readers.
The Walt Disney company is an excellent example of industrial media convergence. The company that started out very small has now become one of the largest corporations in the world. It owns many of the top channels in televisions and also has expanded into many other businesses. It is involved in almost every aspect of media avaliable.
Media Convergence and Multimedia Journalism
A federal appeals court has just ruled that Proposition 8 violates the U.S. Constitution, now making it a case for the U.S. Supreme Court. In covering this story, the Los Angeles Times website offers links that give more in depth coverage of this issue. One of these links shows an interactive map of gay rights in the U.S. This is a great example of media convergence, in that it offers interaction for readers, and a better understanding of different aspects of this story. There is also a timeline on the right-hand side of the page which outlines the political history of proposition 8 since it was first passed in 2008. The page is simply inundated with various links to other articles related to Proposition 8, offering a great deal of access for readers to look further into this issue.
A segment on Good Morning America this morning covered the final voicemail that was found by Josh Powell, who murdered his two sons. This segment included audio description of the story, incorporated with images, along with an interview with the children's grandparents. CNN.com then followed up with a more in-depth article on the story, including several short videos of live coverage on the story. Other news organizations, such as CNN have elaborated and branched off from the original information found and revealed from ABC News. While the segment on Good Morning America offered audiences a visually engaging depiction, the articles offered on the internet allow for a more in-depth understanding. This lets readers absorb the story at their leisure, and allows for audiences to gather information they may have missed on the television segment.
By Brittany Hays
Cynthia Casarez

Media convergence is the dissemination of content across various platforms of media. According to Jenkins, it is an “ongoing process, occurring at various intersections of media technologies, industries, content and audiences.
A great example of media convergence is the online news site, The Huffington Post. More specifically, at the top of the news story is Newt Gingrich’s battle in the Republican primaries that is transmitted across various media platforms. The news story contains a lengthy article, a video on the same story, opportunities to share the story across all of the available social media platforms, a twitter feed of thousands of users commenting on Gingrich (#Gingrich/ @Gingrich), and section that allows readers to read similar stories on Gingrich across other news channels like the LA Times, NY Times, and CNN.
This Gingrich story is also a great example of social convergence. “Media convergence fosters a new participatory folk culture by giving average people the tools to archive, annotate, appropriate and recirculate content,” according to Jenkins. Below the story is a section where readers can contribute to the news content itself by uploading their own photos, videos, comments and even add corrections to the article itself. A decade ago, news was solely a linear conversation between journalists and readers. Today, journalists and readers are partaking in constant communication. The public today not only reads the news but also contributes to the news content that allows the public to see the whole story and not just a single view of the story.
Social convergence allows readers to share news across various platforms with their own personal community while disseminating the story across various channels. Today, with the onslaught of media convergence, people don’t depend on just one channel to gain their news. They depend on a number of reporters, a number of news channels and on their friends to disseminate the news and get to the bottom of a story.
Multimedia Journalism
Sometimes the best way to getting the story across and impacting the public is through emotion. The LA Times Photography section is a prime example of this. This multimedia section contains a breadth of community stories told through the eyes of the victims with photography, video, sound bytes, and news articles.
Photography, video and sound bytes contain the heart of the story while accompanied articles give more background and details that may be missing from the story. Multimedia journalism allows for readers to disseminate a story through the point of view of the writer and the point of view of the subject.
A particularly powerful piece is the story on Prison Hospice: Life and Death. This is a story narrated by an inmate who is suffering from cancer. He tells the story of his own illness, the story of others and how he continues to have faith in his situation. So much emotion and compassion is evoked through the multimedia slide with powerful pictures and narration. A story from the perspective of an inmate hardly has a voice in regular news, but through multimedia journalism, it becomes a voice to be heard.
By Cristina Szewczyk
Multimedia Journalism and Convergence in Sports Media
No. 24 Now No. 5

Player G PTS
1. K. Abdul-Jabbar 1,560 38,387
2. Karl Malone 1,476 36,928
3. Michael Jordan 1,072 32,292
4. Wilt Chamberlain 1,045 31,419
5. Kobe Bryant 1,128 28,601
Media Convergence
Espn and Fox Sports control and converge with local tv and radio affiliates to distribute their information across many different platforms. Espn employees will also sometimes appear on fox sports programming and fox sports employees will sometimes appear on espn programming. The most important thing for both of these companies is distributing their content to as many readers as possible, on as many different platforms as possible. Most of their money is made through subscribers and television contracts with various sports leagues. This allows for a much easier process providing content through convergence.
Joshua Saylor
Multimedia Journalism vs. Media Convergence
Media convergence, specifically discussed by authors Stephen Quinn and Vincent F. Filak and more specifically USC professor Larry Pryor is "what takes place in the newsroom as editorial staff members work together to produce multiple products for multiple platforms to reach a mass audience with interactive content, often on a 24/7 scale."
For my form of media convergence I have ABC 7 NEWS. They provide various products such articles, videos, photo galleries, weather updates, links to ESPN, and traffic updates among other things for their readers. It definitely helps that they have different products to cater to different needs such as the Live Well Network which does beauty, home decor, money saving strategies and gardening segments because apart from providing news worthy stories they provide niche like segments as well. The traffic updates are particularly important because in California where everyone has a car and freeways are constantly packed its a very critical source of information. Their Twitter, Facebook and Google+ connections helps to propagate their influence as well and keep themselves connected to their readers more easily. It also shows their Technological Convergence.
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A snapshot of the ABC 7 News webpage which provides different forms of media such as videos, pictures, and print stories to inform their audience of the most important and critical news out there. |
Media Convergence is the tools such as the bringing together of videography, photos, print, and tools such as maps and social media news agencies use to keep themselves updated and relevant to their viewers and readers. Its the ability to bring together these different platforms in efficient ways to be able entertain their readers in different ways and effectively impact readers. For instance radio interviews can provide personal stories and emotions based on tone while images can provide sensibility to the people involved in a story but print stories will always be the best to provide details. Television segments cater to the visual needs and are great to capture action stories such as sport events, rallies and so forth.
For my example I have picked a story by Yahoo that talks about the human hourglass model Ioana Spangenberg who has a 20-inch waist compared to her 32-inch hips. The story is great because while the prints version allows you the details and personal quotes of Ioana and her German husband Jan the photos allow you to get the impact of her waist size and enjoy it. The video on the bottom shows her in action and shows that her waist is not in fact photoshopped but truly hers.
Media Convergence and Multimedia Journalism
Today I woke up to some terrible news about a girl from my hometown of Huntington Beach. The Orange County Register featured a story about a local 22-year-old girl, Holly Barish, who died last night after getting hit by a car on Pacific Coast Highway near Seal Beach. The tragic story was featured as one of the top stories in the news section of the online publication. Such a heartbreaking story can often be difficult to depict in a brief news story. For this reason, The Orange County Register’s use of multimedia journalism allowed for a very thorough coverage of the story.
The page features an interview with an officer of the Seal Beach Police Department explaining briefly what happened, what actions were taken at the scene, and who witnesses could contact with further information. There is also a picture of two officers inspecting the accident and a detailed account about the report in print. This technique of utilizing different types of media has evolved with the advancement of technology and allows readers to be fully engaged and stimulating when exposed to news stories.
One of my most visited news stations is E! I am currently studying fashion merchandising as my minor and take great interest in the celebrity and fashion world. In hopes of one day being a fashion writer, I try to stay informed about what is going on within this industry. E! News is an ideal station for this but when I do not have time to sit and watch television, I am able to stay up-to-date with their website, E! Online.
E! Online features print stories about the topics discussed on their daily show, E! News. The website also includes Facebook and Twitter links that allow for an even broader spectrum of media coverage for E! Entertainment. The Facebook allows followers to get instant updates on their portable devices or computers as well as view the most recent tweets by the company. The Twitter, Facebook, and overall website also allow for feedback and interaction with their followers. This convergence of vast types of media depicts where the term “media” is headed today. With the junction of all of these forms of technology and tools to distribute the news, people are able to consume media just about anywhere.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Media Convergence vs. Multimedia Journalism
Multimedia Journalism
On ESPN.go.com the top story of the day was of course about the big win for the New York Giants at the 2012 Superbowl. Reporters Matt Ehalt and Mike Mazzeo shared their story, Champion Giants Return Home, featuring video, print, pictures, and comments from readers, which is the idea behind multimedia journalism. This allows reporters to tell a single story using multiple mediums in order to impact the readers and allow them to see a story from different angles. In this case, the Giants winning the Superbowl was a major headline, so using other mediums along with print was the appropriate way to tell the story. Print is a useful tactic for telling a story, but in order to impact the readers the most you need to show emotions from the winning team as well. Ehalt and Mazzeo used video footage, interviewing fans in New York City, and showing their reactions to the big win. The video is accompanied by a print story, as well as pictures of fans and the players. At the bottom of the page there is a section where readers can comment on the story and interact with the reporters.
Bree Cahey
Media Convergence Multimedia Journalism
Media Convergence vs. Multimedia
Jenkins article on convergence talked about technological convergence as the tools used to produce and distribute the news. Technology is also a key factor in the acceleration of convergence. Through Jenkins and the textbook, the interactivity of convergence was also discussed. With convergence, journalism is no longer linear, but instead a conversation between journalists and their readers. The readers are given a chance to respond to reporting and even become a part of it. The New York Times coverage of the 2012 election is an example of technological convergence as well as an example of the interactivity of convergence.
The “Politics” page of the NY Times website shows readers the different technological tools they can consumer the news from. There is the “Election 2012” iPhone App (shown in image) as well as a twitter feed specifically for politics. The iPhone App provides news, opinions, polls and live election night results. This kind of distribution is new to journalism and a part of the technological convergence journalism is undergoing.
The NY Times also provides various interactive outlets for their readers. Shown in the image above is a link to an interactive graphic of the “super PACs” and a side menu of various interactive links for the reader. These include a poll watch of the current election, a primary calendar, and an interactive feature called “Inside Congress.” This last interactive feature allows readers to view major voting inside the Congress with an interactive map allowing them to see which way each member voted.
NY Times Politics Page
The NY Times compiled a slide show of images depicting Mr. Kim in his youth, with his family and as a leader. With a photo gallery, the journalist has the ability to evoke more emotion within the reader by showing the various images of Mr. Kim’s life. It also allows views to look at photos for as long or as little as they like. This is beneficial for the reader because photographs are like art; therefore, different images will speak to different people and they then have the opportunity to view the photos they want to. A photo gallery also allows many different tones of a person’s life to been seen much easier than through a print story.
Linked to the slide show is the NY Times article covering Kim Jong-il’s death. The article was very long and provided an in-depth background and history on Mr. Kim. Written as sort of a profile piece, the article described everything from Mr. Kim’s hairstyle and preference of shoes, to his political tactics. Playing less on the emotions of the reader, the print coverage of this story allowed a reader who may not know much about Mr. Kim, to fully understand his life and his death.
Media Convergence VS. Multimedia Journalism
Convergence in the media is becoming more and more noticeable in the news today. News mediums are coming together and blurring the lines between different news outlets. This is certainly advantageous for consumers of the news.
For instance, to get the most up to date news, it is becoming increasingly more common for readers take to the internet and search on news websites. The L.A. Times is an example of how the convergence of media is taking place. On the homepage of the newspaper, readers are shown the latest stories along with options to share those stories via their choice of social networking sites with the simple click of a button whether it be Twitter, Google +, Tumbler or Facebook. The website is set up in a much more attractive way than traditional print newspapers. There are also interactive comment sections, which allow visitors to participate in discussions. Furthermore, readers can even comment on these stories by becoming members to the website. The page also has a section where visitors can add phone applications so that they may receive news alerts directly to their cell phones. These additions to the website allows for the possibility of these news stories to go viral and spread faster than ever before to virtually anywhere in the world. They are also becoming more and more common in the media, proving to be both helpful and necessary. With this convergence in media taking place, news is now nearly instantaneous and much more engaging than in the past.
Multimedia Journalism
Multimedia Journalism is essentially convergence taken to the next level. This type of journalism utilizes all types of media to tell a story. An excellent example of this at work is ESPN.com. The homepage has tabs that feature various sports that take readers to their respective main pages. There are also live scores that are on top of the screen. Big stories are headlined along the right-hand side and also feature videos and photo galleries. These pages typically show polls which can be taken by the visitors of the website. Further incorporating convergence, there is an online shopping option at the top corner of the website.
After yesterday’s basketball game featuring the L.A. Lakers and Philadelphia 76ers, ESPN released a recap of the action along with exclusive interviews, video footage of the game, in-depth backstage interviews and press conference clips. Within the text there were multiple links that take readers to even more content. At the bottom of the story, there were social media links of both the writer and the players, along with a share button for readers to disperse to people in their networks. This serves as an easy form of advertisement. At the bottom of the page, there is an interactive comment section that allows for viewers to enter discussions with the other readers. The page also features additional related content that the reader might be interested in spread out within the page. Allowing more forms of media to converge in journalism gives the reader much more content as well as giving incentive for them to return and be engaged by the news.
Multimedia Convergence
This picture represents multimedia. These days, pictures are everywhere in news stories, because they add depth and some perspective to stories. Visuals are a valuable element of news stories.
Leonardo Poareo
Media Convergence vs. Multimedia Journalism
It’s no news that people gather around the TV every Super Bowl Sunday not just to watch two teams vie for the title, but to witness the debut of the country’s latest and most provocative ad campaigns. One of the more notable ads of the season is sparking political debate and appearing across a variety of media outlets. Chrysler’s, “It’s Halftime in America” ad depicts Clint Eastwood giving a pep-talk to America amid images of the Chrysler factory and middle class families of Detroit. The underlying message touches on the recent billion dollar Chrysler bailout, Detroit’s economic plight, and hot-button issues of Obama’s reelection campaign.
The Huffington Post gathered information from multiple news sources in a story that described Eastwood’s declaration that he “is not politically affiliated with Obama,” which he personally stated in an appearance on a different media platform, Fox New’s “The O’Reilly Factor”. The Huffington Post is another example of media convergence because it’s a sight that gathers information across all media platforms in an effort to make information dissemination as quick and convenient as possible.
This story serves as an example of media convergence not only because it is being reported through all types of media platforms, but because it in itself is a type of media. It disseminates a message to the public, becoming what the textbook describes as “storytelling or presentation convergence,” in which “new forms of storytelling... emerge from the combination of computers, portable newsgathering devices, and the interactive potential of Web and television” (Quinn 6). The commercial presents a controversial news story, and media platforms converge across the spectrum to disseminate further information about the topic to the public.
Multimedia Journalism
As one of the world’s most reliable news outlets, The New York Times has examples of multimedia journalism stories in almost every one of their publications. A unique feature story on their website by Melissa Faye Greene depicts the story of disability dogs and their influence on the lives of not just the blind, but those who struggle with other rare and impairing diseases that can be eased with the companionship of a well-trained canine. The feature story’s many components include highlighting the nonprofit 4 Paws for Ability created by Karen Shirk, a woman struggling to live with muscular dystrophy. Her belief that dogs can help children living with disabilities led to the creation of her organization, which has helped countless children better adapt to life with disabilities since its beginning in 1998.
The multimedia aspect of the story includes a video by Erik Olsen, which gives more background and visual connection to 4 Paws for ability by showing the audience the various tasks the dogs are trained to provide to their owners. There are also photos of children connecting with the dogs they’ve received dogs from the organization. Additionally, online NY Times articles have comment sections and links to share articles over email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
The multimedia components of journalism serve to better bring stories to life and allow for a more widespread audience then previously possible. As senior vice president of the Tribune Company Howard Tyner says, “’journalism is about ‘eyeballs’-getting as many people as possible to look at media products.’” While the print story was beautifully written, if it were not combined with the video and photographs, it might not have been as effective in grasping the audience’s ‘eyeballs’ and attention.
By Sofia Yassine
multimedia journalism vs. media convergence
As explained in class on Thursday, as well as in the book Convergent Journalism, multimedia can be, if you will, branched off of convergence.
Although convergent journalism is a work in progress, it is developing rapidly due to the growth in technological knowledge and interaction worldwide. It has aslso become necessary due to the downfall of the economy. In other words, that news-in-a-box theory is now a necessity what with cellphones and such providing the most information at the palm of your hand. For example, headlines on Twitter posts bring people to the news by linking them to the web and, therefore, to that particular web page where and in wha layout(s) the story lies.