The name sounded familiar, but I could not for the life of me recall who he was; so I clicked the link to read her story. Brittany and writer Matt Grippi interviewed Max about his most recent book, "Hilarity Ensues."
After reading the nut-graph, I realized he is the writer of "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell."
Once I was done, I returned to Brittany's Facebook page and told her what a great job her and Matt did on the story. I also read that Matt suggested adding a comment section on the Daily 49er site, which I also thought was a great idea seeing that this is a controversial author.
Brittany responded via Facebook saying an editor added the comment section. In addition, I posted the link to my personal blog since I thought my friends would find it interesting.
Even though this article was published today in a local school paper, social media has allowed it to transend through the internet allowing for more than just Cal State Long Beach students to read it. Readers can now even voice their opinion online in a comment section where other readers can interact with each other.
Multimedia Convergence
This Apart from War website is a perfect example of multimedia. This site was actually won the Society and Professional Journalist Award for Best Online In-Depth Reporting. The student news team from Syracuse University that created this site focused on U.S. veterans living in a small town, Chesaw, Washington, and uses print stories video packages, photo slides, and even has an interactive video about Post Dramatic Stress Disorder.
Excellent example of media convergence--and great to see you are participating in the trend! And glad you got something out of this afternoon's class (wish we had better technology in the classroom, so that we could look more closely at these stories).