It’s not surprising when considering
the city’s atmosphere of diversity and tolerance toward the gay community.
attractive to many gays because it is a diverse community, there are several
art and culture venues, an accessible nightlife, resources, a beach, parks,
coffee houses and restaurants,” Zamna Avila, a gay reporter living in Long
Beach, said in an email.
“Plus, life seems a bit more relaxed in Long Beach
as opposed to Los Angeles.”
In addition, there are a variety of social
clubs and groups geared toward the homosexual community, Avila said. Not only
can the city’s tolerance be attributed to the great diversity, but also to the
city’s physical location and its history.
“I think it has something to do with the
working class history, and the Navy, because the diversity of people involved
in local industries made tolerance a practical necessity,” Daniel Brezenoff,
legislative director for Long Beach city councilman Robert Garcia, said in an
“Also, being a Port city means people from all
over the world pass through, again making tolerance the pragmatic stance.”
Over half of the city’s population consists of
ethnicities other than white as of 2010, and Hispanics comprise over 40 percent
of the population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Other ethnic groups
that represent Long Beach are Asians, Pacific Islanders, and African Americans,
according to the Census.
Among these ethnicities there are doubtless
many gays, which has given Long Beach notoriety. The Advocate magazine, a
periodical touting the gay lifestyle, listed the city of Long Beach as the 14th
gayest city in 2012, citing the size of their gay pride parade as a major
factor in Long Beach’s ranking.
With all of this diversity in the city, one
could think that the city took active measures to encourage it, but this hasn’t
been the case.
“There's never been, to my knowledge, a
conscious, official attempt to do so, but the benefit of LGBT tourism and new
residents is sometimes explicitly recognized in policy initiatives,” Brezenoff
said. “For example, the Equal Benefits Ordinance, or the City's official
opposition to Proposition 8.”
So while the city didn’t do anything initially
to attract them at first, recent actions like the foregoing ones weren’t meant
to attract the homosexual community to Long Beach, but “both policies
recognized that progressive legislation could have that effect, and that that
would be a good thing for the City,” Brezenoff said.
Furthermore, since Long Beach’s gay community
is so active in the city, they have an active and involved gay community
center, called The Center.
The Center, which has been around since 1977,
provides “social and support services for the greater Long Beach LGBTQ
community,” Porter Gilberg, the center’s administrative director, said. LGBTQ
stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer.
“We have…mental health counseling, a youth
program, free rapid HIV testing…workshops and seminars, a film festival every
year, a speaker series, a community library, so we do a lot of things,” Gilberg
Yet although the gay community enjoys relative
peace in Long Beach, especially as their opponents are “fading”, according to
Brezenoff, they still face some challenges.
“Like any other city in California, LGBT
people do not have equal protection under the law in terms of federal marriage
recognition, and… we are always challenged to create a more inclusive community
for everyone,” Gilberg said.
Besides the issues of marriage equality, there
is another, more imminent threat-hate crimes. According to Brezenoff, the Long
Beach city council has been discussing the issue of recent hate crimes during
their meetings.
A recent hate crime against gays happened
outside of The Center in October, Gilberg stated. Two men, believed by their
assailants to be homosexual, were assaulted and the attackers were later
arrested, Gilberg said.
In order to confront the issue, especially
after incidents in the summer, The Center helped organize a “unity rally” and
has worked with the city government to create a “hate crimes advisory group
to…create solutions to better educate the community about hate crimes and
create more inclusive and welcoming communities,” Gilberg remarked.
Additionally, The Center has more immediate
means of dealing with hate crimes.
“We…offer a 24-hour hate-crime hotline, for
which I am the responder, so we provide direct services to victims of hate
crimes,” Gilberg said.
by Leonardo Poareo
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