This is a bad photo in many ways. First of all, the shadow covers almost her entire face making her forehead glow awkwardly. Second, her arm looks like it could be someone else's arm. Also, there is too much white in the background and this makes it difficult to keep focus on the girl. Then there is the proportion, she is too far for it to be a mug shot and too close for anything else. As it accompanies a story that explains this "could be" the girl whose body was found, which can also be misleading to anyone related to her, considering the possibility that it isn't her body.
Another bad picture, as the article is about both of them, and not just Mark Sanchez in particular. However, this photo clearly focuses Sanchez over Tim Tebow, as Tebow appears to be blurred. Also, there is no action, the article describes practice, and the photo should picture them in action during practice. Also, Sanchez is covering nearly a third of Tebow, showing that he is dominant, when the article is trying to prove just the opposite.
Thanks for the diverse examples and insightful critiques!