Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Central Long Beach

As has been posted by my fellow group members, we plan to focus one of our stories on the ports of Long Beach and the air pollution they have created for the surrounding community. As I have driven down to the west end of PCH I have been able to see how close the community, such as Cabrillo High School, is to these ports and I plan on interviewing some of the athletes at this school along with coaches to get a better understanding of how the air quality may be affecting them. I would particularly like to find a student who may have asthma to hear how they have been directly affected by the poor air quality. In addition, I think it would be good to speak with those who work and who are opposed to the ports, and so I plan on interviewing a girl I work with (who also works at the ports), along with one of the advocates who are pushing for better air quality initiatives. We plan on covering these stories with a combination of both text, photographs, video and possibly interactive links to look further into the issue.

-Brittany Hays

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