Thursday, April 19, 2012

North Long Beach update 4/19

Everything is going very well covering North Long Beach. Last friday we covered a Good Friday event in the Bixby Knolls neighborhood of North Long Beach. The video we made showed that north lb is not the violent area many people believe. It consists of many residential and family friendly neighborhoods. Also, most of the business and residents have been very willing and eager to speak with us about how much they enjoy living and working in North LB. The eagerness really displays the pride these people have for the area in which they live and work.

Tomorrow, April 20th, our group will be heading back out to North LB to do some more field reporting. We will begin once again in the Bixby Knolls area and progress north on Atlantic Blvd. We are going to be interviewing different business owners in the area. We will also make sure to talk to the businesses in the area that Councilman Neal's aide came and spoke to our class about. We will be speaking to them regarding a lot of the things that were explained to us in class. Things such as lack of multiple sit down restaurants, only having 1 shopping market and the fact that many residents go to neighboring cities to do most of their shopping. We will also be getting pictures along with our interviews to use in the audio slideshow I will be making.

Once we have all the sound and pictures that we will be using I will be working on making an audio slideshow representing the environment and overall feeling of North Long Beach. The audio slideshow will consist of narration by one of our group members and pictures representing the important issues and assets of various North Long Beach neighborhoods. I will post the new information we uncover in my next blog post.

Posted by:

Josh Saylor

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