Monday, September 10, 2012

Media Convergence vs Multimedia journalism


 As explained in Convergent Journalism by Stephen Quinn and Vincent Filak, it is difficult to give one entirely precise definition of convergent journalism. I think Henry Jenkins in Convergence Culture explains it well as: "every important story gets told, every brand gets sold, and every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms". Convergent media allows a fast circulation of media content across systems and competing industries. It is representative of a cultural shift in the media world, as it not only allows, but also encourages the consumer to search for new information and make connections throughout various media companies.

            The Courier Mail is an Australian-based newspaper, which now has an online website. It highlights stories on topics that the desired consumers are interested in, with links to various news institutions. For example the story of the death of a well-known AFL (Australian football league) player was the headline story on the 10th September. Clicking on the story links you to the story covered by a competing Australian newspaper - Herald Sun. A link beside the story says 'Related coverage. AFL Player in Las Vegas Tragedy', and takes you to a video on the story from There is a search bar that also allows consumers to scan the website to find stories on one topic from various news institutions.

            The Courier Mail merges with other competing institutions to incorporate a range of media, from print to broadcast. Convergent Journalism is especially practical for breaking news stories such as this AFL story. This website can provide the public with the very earliest of information, as it has multiple media companies to gain the story first from, if the Courier Mail themselves were not first in covering it. News institutions converging allows cost reduction and audience expansion, and of course, revenue making. It is not only beneficial for the companies. Thanks to the revolutionary Internet, Convergent journalism allows consumers to access mass amounts of information like never before: quicker, more easily and more of it. For today's journalists, it's like having a shared assignment desk.


            Story on death of AFL player


Jenkins, H. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. Accessed via:



Multimedia Journalism seems to be the way of the future for the media world, as news is now a 24 - 7 medium. With continual advances in technology, there are constant cultural shifts in the way the public consumes news. In order to survive in today's growing world of free and accessible information, news institutions have adapted to incorporate various multimedia platforms for storytelling.  Quinn explains in Convergent Journalism, that journalists now have to produce multiple products for multiple platforms to reach the mass audience with interactive content on a 24-7 basis. ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) news was traditionally an AM radio station beginning in the 1920's in Australia. Now, the ABC operates over 50 local radio stations and multiple television stations, namely ABC1, its original television service. The ABC is reflective of a successful institution that has continually expanded due to its adaption to changes in technology, and providing multimedia news. ABC news online has provided an easy to use interface where the consumer can select text or 'video, audio, photos' to access news.  A recent story about Anglican priests being defrocked over abuse claims is one example that has been made into a multimedia story. On the ABC website, there is a text article on the story, as well as a video including an interview with the priest. ABC also implements social media as a tool to reach more consumers, posting on their FaceBook and tweeting, with the link to the abusive priest story. Multimedia story-telling allows news institutions to access a wider audience, find niche markets and therefore create more revenue.

Priest Defrocking story

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