Thursday, September 6, 2012

Media Convergence: Daniel Van Hoosier

      A prime example of an outlet using media convergence is ESPN. The sports news organization applies so many different tools to publish and present material, sometimes even 24 hours a day. They obviously use TV as its main and most continuous content provider, but also used are the web, print, radio, photography, video and mobile content such as a variety of apps. ESPN is successful in its approach provide solid, current content to an audience of any sort. Quality, which is most important, is not sacrificed in order deliver from the various avenues. With the way technology changes and the tendency for demanding information now, ESPN successfully uses all the tools available in order to reach as many potential readers, viewers, etc. before it's too late.

1 comment:

  1. ESPN is a converged media outlet--no doubt about it. I also asked for an example of multimedia journalism...
